Monday, July 9, 2007

cathae bumi ... met liburan!!!

Hallo semuanya!
Ada yang seru nih, ceritanya kan gara2 gagal jalan2 cause hujan, aku iseng2 main game computer,permainannya adalah :

1. secret in your name, katanya deni itu : sensitif, loving dan artistik. Orang yang suka ngabisin waktu di museum, dan sangat mencintai baca buku yang bagus, plus dengerin musik yang keren pula. Benci argumen sama perkelahian, orang seperti aku dengan sifat alami yang senang mencintai can help trusting another people, dan membuat suasana seimbang dan harmoni disekelilingnya..
Terus pas masukin nama bumi : you are ruled by a sense of duty and punctuality. Tidak pernah menyerah dalam menulis atau melakukan pekerjaan. Tidak pernah menolak melakukan kewajiban, selalu mengakhiri apa yang sudah diawali, dan selalu berfikir bahwa aku bisa melakukan pekerjaan tersebut sempurna. On time plus perfectionis. Dan jarang bersenang2 karena larut dalam pekerjaan..
2. astrology : panjang banget hasilnya, kayak gini nih :
LIBRA: The Scales, Opal, diamond, Charming, diplomatic, harmony-seeker, Pennyroyal, violet, Venus, "I cooperate", itu yang bagusnya, yang jeleknya, Indecisive, frivolous, gullible, penyakit yang mungkin, Kidneys, lower back. Terus ada lagi tentang personality ku : Libra people are committed to the principles of fairness and equality. People recognize and admire Libra's balanced approach to life. These men and women are often asked to render opinions and advise others on a wide variety of issues. Able to express themselves with a quiet charm that makes others inclined to agree, Libra seeks harmony in the environment, and as a result will have a well-developed aesthetic sense, applied both at home and at work. On a deeper level, they also seek harmony and balance within themselves. For most Librans, this is best achieved with the help of a loving partner, a life mate who can help them discover their own inner beauty.
Kemudian yang cocok zodiak mana, katanya : kecuali cancer sama capricorn, yang lainnya bintang kecocokannya diatas 5, yang paling keren sagitarius... wahh..
Terus menurut astrologi cina, aku tuh tahunnya macan, personality ku : Tiger people are dynamic, unpredictable and daring. They have a love of life that energizes everyone around them. They can be quick-tempered and impatient, but also affectionate and generous. They are romantic at heart. Most Tigers have a great sense of humor, and are good at capturing everyone's attention. Often rebellious and restless, Tiger people like to take chances and are attracted to risky activities. Although not primarily motivated by materialism, they enjoy luxury and comfort. Being subject to strong impulses, they are not always the most reliable leaders, but they have a natural charisma that tends to strongly influence others. Tiger people appreciate sympathetic friends who give good advice, even though they don't always follow it. They are often found in entrepreneurial or artistic careers.
Menurut astrocina, aku cocok ma shio : boar, sheep, snake, dog, and rabbit, ya iyalah itu kan makanannya macan kalo di hutan, duh astroci ada2 aja deh..
Kalo berdasarkan numerology, aku katanya angka 6 yang keren : Love of family characterizes this number. The Six's strengths are love of the arts, natural teaching ability and dependability. Its weaknesses are meddlesomeness, a streak of materialism and stubbornness. People are attracted to the Sixes' magnetic personalities and appreciate their devotion and sense of beauty. They may find themselves drawn to careers in teaching, child care or social services; often they may prefer to be full-time homemakers. They may have a habit of becoming too devoted to possessions, but can balance it with their love of family and genuinely helpful natures.
Terus angka 3 juga bagus : People are attracted to the Three's humor and charm. Threes are often interested in professions like writing or music, where they can fully develop a talent for self-expression. They mustn't let their love of living in the moment lead to extravagance and carelessness. They may have to be reminded to keep an eye on the future. Threes frequently appear younger than they really are, and they can use this to their own advantage in many ways. It's great fun to wear fashionable clothing and be socially popular, as long as they don't regress into immaturity.
3. Horoscop2an :
Pekerjaan dan keuangan : katanya kalau aku mau bekerja keras, maksimalkan potensi aku, aku bisa mencapai semua yang aku inginkan, amin..
Hubungan dan persahabatan : aku sangat selektif dalam memilih teman terdekat, meskipun kadang mereka memiliki karkater yang berlawanan, sangat berlawanan dengan aku, aku juga biasanya sangat senang menghabiskan waktu sendirian,..
Personality : memiliki keseimbangan yang baik, selfish, loving sama idealistic. Selfish apaan yah, pernah denger dari anak ayam, tapi lupa artinya apa..simpati plus mudah maafin orang, tapi kadang2 kalo sudah marah... wah..
4. test cinta :
Hiks, hasilnya menyedihkan, aku coba sama bebek hutan ternyata kecocokannya Cuma 46%. Bohong...
5. Ramal nama, hasilnya : You like to be in Power, even though you are very sensitive, You are a strong person, You sometimes behave like a pig, You like to think you are better than others, You like to get to the point of your problems..
6. ramal jodoh, hasilnya tetap sama, sama bebek hutan, dibawah 50% tapi sama,.... diatas 90%, hehehe..
Melihat hasil di atas, hem,, gimana yah, rata2 cukup menggambarkan tentang diri aku, pokoknya ga semua yang kamu baca itu bener, Lucky Star yang bener ya kilau sinarnya, ^_^
Buat temen2 semuanya met liburan yahh, jangan lupa bawa oleh2,.
Hati2 di jalan, dan salam buat keluarga semuanya..
Buat yang mau ke bandung alias ke rumah Mumu, met jalan2 yah, sepertinya bumi ga bisa ikut, rumah menunggu,...
Met liburan! Met senang2! And welcome to new semester, i hope we will get the best!
See you!
Oh iya, buat langit yang rencananya mau pulang hari ini, met liburan,,,
Good Bye Every Body..!!

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